Saturday, August 28, 2010

I finally updated!

Okay, I finally updated if there is anyone out there that still looks at our blog!! I mainly just posted pictures of things we've been up to, it would have taken me too long to write narratives on each one! And they are out of order, but I finally updated!!


Diana Dye said...

Wow what fun! Tanner looks just like Wade in the cowboy boots picture. He's such a cutie. And you look super skinny. It's a compliment :)

Kimberly said...

Hooray! It's so good to see what you've been up to! Tanner is sooo big! Wow! Too bad we don't live close so that we can hang out!

Ty said...

Love all your pictures! Looks like you guys have had a fun summer! Tanner is really getting big! We miss you guys! We got a blog a few months ago if you want to check it out it is: