Saturday, October 23, 2010

Visiting Gaylynne in Washington

We had a great time visiting with Don, Gaylynne, & their family in Washington. Tanner was in heaven with all the toys & cousins to play with. He was especially excited to play with Dayton & his cars. Everyday he woke up & jumped out of bed & said 'I wanna play!' I would often ask him if he wanted to go home. "No, I wanna play!"

We went to the beach one of the days we were there and it was actually nice weather. That never happens in Oregon.Tanner did not like the beach for a good while. When the wave snuck up on him he screamed like he was in a horror movie running from the waves.

He eventually discovered he liked the water, this time with his clothes on!

We discovered a ship wreck!
Watching all the cool seals on the docks! That was very cool to see!
Me in front of the Goonies' house. I need to go back & watch that movie again.
Playing at the Oregon Zoo!

This time I did the screaming! I screamed like a little girl when the birds were fighting on my arm & also when they landed on my head! Tanner was of course nervous the whole time! He was basically scared of every animal that day!

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