Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tanner update

Sometimes I feel it is hard to update when I feel like we don't do too much. So I thought I would just do an update on Tanner! Tanner is my little dare devil. He likes climbing up everything & then jumping off. His little car has never been used for riding it has been used as a means to get up something, like the table, couch, pulling ornaments of the Christmas tree & then falling into it.
He is also our little reverent child. He loves saying prayers!
He will always fold his arms during prayers & is pretty good at keeping them folded the entire prayer. Except when there is food in front of him. He still doesn't say too much besides ball & sometimes mamma, dadda, doggie. (At least that's what is sounds like!) He is picking up some sign language now which is nice because at least he can communicate a few things to me like milk, water, more, & thank you.

A cute & funny thing that Tanner always does is grab my keys off the bookshelf & stick them back right where they belong. Which is in the screw right next to the doorknob. Hey at least he is close. If I'm every looking for my keys I will know where they are. This could turn into a bad thing when he decides they don't belong there anymore.


Ally said...

Oh my gosh Jolene He is getting so big I bet him and Logan could get into alot of Trouble she is my dare devil and is into everything Talks 100 times a minute and is going 200 times a minute. We are going to try and head down that way one day to take Grandms out to dinner it would be fun to see you guys..If not Happy everything :o)

Diana Dye said...

Wow he looks so grown up. Sarah likes our keys too but they go straight into her mouth.

I hope we will see you guys during the holidays!