Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our trip to Washington

Despite my purse getting stolen the first day on our vacation, we had a very enjoyable time visiting Gaylynne, Don & their family!
Tanner's first road trip! He actually did pretty well for the 13-14 hour car ride. So our plan was to wake up at 4 in the morning so he would sleep a good portion of the way, but he never follows our plans very well. He probably slept maybe 3 hours of the car ride.He was so excited to finally get to Gaylynne & Don's house. He had so much fun with his cousins.

Our first stop on our trip was to the rose gardens. The flowers were beautiful!

The last photo of my purse. So sad!
We were at the park while the crime was taking place. When we walked back to the car. I noticed the window broken. At first I thought, is this our car?, then I thought did someone hit it, & then it finally occurred to me! I'm an idiot! I left my purse in the car & someone broke the window to steal it. What an exciting way to start a trip! To get your credit cards stolen along with my phone. Well it turns out, the thieves went to Burger King & filled up their car with my card! What a waste!

All of us hanging out by a cool looking tree that branches out 8 ways.

Tanner loved the beach! He was in heaven. He loved it so much he had to taste the sand to see if it was real! He could have played for hours in the sand.

Look at Tanner's flip flop tan. It is better than mine & he wears sunscreen.

Swimming in Washougle river! It was so refreshing. Surprisingly Tanner didn't mind the chilly river, but of course there were rocks there for him to play with!
Next stop was on to Seattle! This was a tour of the underground city!

We went to Pike's Market Place, famous for throwing the fish around. It was actually a cool market place. It would be a great place to shop if we lived there!
A view of Seattle
A view of Washington area

Here's one of the beautiful waterfalls we saw. We were so tempted to jump in them! It was so HOT!

Tanner wasn't sure he wanted to eat that poor little crab for dinner!

To end our day of waterfall sightseeing. Don made a delicious dinner with crabs & polenta! It was very yummy!


Randrea said...

Looks like a blast! That beach and waterfall look gorgeous!!

Ally said...

Looks like you guys had a great trip and goreous pictures. I cant believe how big tanner is getting so cute

Kevin and Emily said...

Tanner is such a handsome dude. Looks like such a wonderful trip, minus the purse incident. You guys got some beautiful pictures!

Kimberly said...

I love Seattle! It's such a fun place with so much to do! Tanner is getting handsomer every day (if that's a word).

rinooo said...
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